God is communal as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, so community is essential to us. We are committed to the beautiful and challenging work of living life together with God and one another. Our church celebrates our unity in Christ through valuing diversity. At BCC everyone is invited to be a full part of this faith community, regardless of race, age, economic status, sexual orientation, citizenship, or marital status. All are made in the image of God, and together we best reflect God’s beauty and grace.

Mysteriously, as the embodiment of God, Jesus is fully human and fully divine. The gospel is the good news that the kingdom of God has come near in Jesus Christ, who willingly humbled himself to take on human form. Through His sacrificial life, death, and resurrection, He defeated the powers of sin and death, offering a new life of grace and peace to the world. Jesus perfectly lived, loved, and demonstrated the way of God. Through the power of the Spirit, we seek to become more like Jesus by loving others as He loves us and living in His kingdom here on earth.

The church is the outpost of God’s kingdom in the world. We are a priesthood of believers commanded and commissioned to love God, love our neighbors, journey with Jesus, and help others do the same. Through our actions and prayers, we are participating in the redemptive and restorative work God is already doing in our community. Because Christ died, rose, and will come again, we live hopeful, generous lives knowing that abundant life in Him is possible in this world, and in the world to come.

The whole Bible is sacred and significant, a cohesive story of God’s redemptive plan. Jesus is the lens through which we read, interpret, and preach the Bible. We discern scripture together, humbly hearing those whose perspectives differ from our own, understanding that the interpretation of scripture should result in love for each other. We celebrate that wonder is part of our life in Christ.